Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday Night Fever...No Fever, Just a Spider

It's Sunday again and I am always amazed at how fast the weeks fly by.  I spent my Saturday night hanging out with Brian and the kids, as usual.  I believe it was about midnight before I was finally able to get Adelyn to stay in bed.  Her agreement for sleep time came after a long conversation we had where I tried to explain, that her Daddy and I are not brother and sister.  I don't think she ever quite caught on to all of the different family bit.  When I told her that Aunt Mandy is Daddy's sister, she laughed at me and said, "No, she's not."  She finally just told me that I'm a girl and she's a girl and left it at that. 
Just as I was drifting off to sleep on the fresh pillow case covering on my pillow that I had just pulled out of the closet, I felt something on my shoulder.  I reached up with the opposite arm to try and figure out what it was.  I was half asleep at the time, so it took me a minute to register the fact that feeling something moving on my shoulder was not normal.  I grasped my hand around it, only to realize I had a rather large spider loafing around on my bed, or on me I should say.  I quickly tossed it up in the air and off of my bed with my bare hand in the dark and sat up.  I demanded Brian to turn on the light so that I could look for it on the floor and kill it. But by the time the light was on and I was up, which was only about a minute, the creepy crawler was gone.  It took me a while to go back to sleep. 
So, now here we are, Sunday morning.  There's a spider hiding out in my room, and I have done something horrible to my back.   Our bird wants Alex to be his friend, and Alex wants to chase her and squash her.  Ethan is watching Spongebob, again.  And Brian and Adelyn are, of course, sleeping in.  Life is good.  Strange sometimes, but good. 


  1. I love these pictures:) Lucky is soooo cute I can see why you want to keep her....

  2. Wow, Hazy is playing on the this song. It goes perfectly with this blog, love new music! I can see why Lucky would like Alex. :) Yesterday I read that the brain is only 75% developed at age 7, which explains why Makayla has started acting more adult-like this past year than ever. You and your new camera take amazing photos.
    Who exactly does Adelaide think I am?

  3. I love that song, actually I love the chick who sings it. She has some good music. Wow, 75%, that's crazy. Seven is still so young... Thank you, we need to have a grown-up photo shoot and get "artsy fartsy" as Brian would say. She just thinks you're Aunt Mandy. She is in a phase where she will argue for no reason. We actually argued over a blue shirt the other day. She insisted that it was yellow. All the other things that are blue were still blue, but that shirt was yellow.
