Thursday, September 22, 2011

I do realize I have almost abandoned this blog.  In my defense, I have been sick for the past month.  Yes, month.  With Ethan in public school now, we are catching everything germs have to offer.  It's been a long ride with lots of snotty noses, puke, and other things that are just too gross to mention.  Yesterday, I felt well, for the first time.  I cleaned my house and baked a pie from a pumpkin.  It was nice.  Today, I have just enjoyed watching the rain.  Cool, rainy days remind me of Robin Hood, yes I do mean the cartoon version.  Maybe I will take a stroll down to Hastings to see if they might possibly have it on dvd.  Ah, this is the life.  Three beautiful children, a handsome, helpful, loving husband, and everything that goes along with my role as a suburban housewife.  Yes, even the times when I have to pause writing this blog to take Adelyn some toilet paper, dig dog food out of Alex's mouth, and get the button on my sweater stuck in my hair as I am pulling it off.  And now that I am sitting back down, I have completely lost where I was going with this.  Oh well, that's life.  God is so good.

1 comment:

  1. Robin Hood...:D We should take a rainy fall day to watch it with the kids and make cookies.
    Your blogs always bring joy and a gentle breeze to my heart. Love you sis!
